September 20, 2024  

Toyota Working On Solid State Batteries

December 14, 2021
As of now, the most popular batteries being used in EVs are Lithium-Ion batteries. But the Japanese brand; Toyota, claims to have found a new technology called Solid State battery, that could change the EV industry entirely. Toyota has made a prototype equipped with a solid-state battery to test out the technology in real-world situations. The structure of a Lithium-ion battery consists of two electrodes (pieces of metal) which are placed of far ends, and the space between them is filled by a liquid electrolyte solution (LiPH6 dissolved in organic carbonates). Solid-State batteries will carry the same two-electrode policy, but the space between the electrodes will be filled by a solid electrolyte; thus, the name ‘Solid-State’.We are still relying on batteries that take up loads of space inside the car, they heat up on prolonged use, and they need to be replaced eventually. Moreover, they are not sufficient in terms of the range and take quite some time to charge. The new Solid-State technology reduces the size of batteries by a significant margin. Not just that, the smaller battery can pack more charge, which will result in increased range for EVs. The heating problem is also reduced to quite an extent, which also gives a hand in increasing the life of the battery and limiting the cost that is lost in heat insulation and cooling systems. Solid-State batteries also offer lesser charging time, adding to our convenience.

Published Date: 2021-12-14 06:09:54
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